Call for Models
Hello, friends! Are you transmasculine, non-binary, butch, or similarly gender nonconforming? Do you have experience in wearing a chest binder? Want to earn some cash and have some snazzy custom-made binders of your very own? Shapeshifters needs models for an in-person product photoshoot!
What you get: $100 in cash and a $100 gift code to our website.
What we get: Your time and beautiful faces in our Brattleboro, VT studio on two occasions: once for a 30-minute fitting, scheduled at your convenience, and once for the late-March photoshoot, date TBD, for around 4 hours. Also, all rights to the images produced when our awesome photographer takes approximately a zillion pictures of you wearing our snazzy binders.
- Comfort in front of the camera! You MUST be ok with us using your image, including your face, to advertise our products.
- The ability to travel to and from Brattleboro, VT, and meet us at our studio there.
- Passing familiarity with our products! Attainable here at our website. Bonus points if you see something you think would look really good on you.
Also preferred:
- Experience in chest binding
- Plus-sized folks
- People of color
- Experience modeling (this is the least important!)
Interested? Then shoot us an email at with the subject line ‘Interested in Modeling’ and some content about you! Tell us your preferred pronouns, your experience in chest binding, and which binder you like best. Send a headshot or a selfie, too.
**Edit: Thank you all so much for your submissions! This call is officially closed.