“Things I can do in a relaxed fit chest binder from @ShapeshiftersCB: Farmer carry 112lbs of water 30ft. Twice. Throw 8 hay bales off the truck without stopping. Chase down a baby goat. Saw a dead tree into firewood lengths. Seriously if you need a chest binder but also need to be active as fuck, hit up @ShapeshiftersCB, they gotchu."
"Hi y’all! I just wanted to thank you, because that binder was the most comfortable one I ever found, and wearing it really helped me make the decision to have top surgery this past February, and I’m SO HAPPY that I did. I may pass the binder on to someone who needs it, or I may keep wearing it — it is holding up so well, and now it will be even more comfortable than before!"
—M.R., JUNE 2022
"I just wanted to say that I have just received my binder today and I am absolutely thrilled with it! It's just so much more comfortable than the one I previously had.I really appreciate all the effort and time that has gone into making this binder. Thank you so much.Take care and stay safe,"
—V.S., JANUARY 2022
"Hi there! I just got my binder from the post office and it fits and works so so well!! I haven’t been this happy in a long time. The material is also great and doesn’t mess with my sensory processing disorder. Thank you so so much!"
—C.M., JANUARY 2022
"Dear folks at Shapeshifters I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW HAPPY I AM WITH MY ORDER. Ever since they arrived my breasts have been a serious hassle. Sports bras were developed as a market when I was in my 20s, and as an athlete and a Butch I wanted to wear them but my breasts have always been too large. Being limited instead to the shame of spelunking through ladies' lingerie to find and make do with the biggest brassieres I could find, resigned to the lace, stuck in the pink, praying that maybe, JUST, MAYBE no underwire. I had given up wishing for sports bras ages ago. I had given up being able to address my breasts the way I want to ages ago. A friend suggested you and I couldn't be happier! I CANNOT WAIT to ride the 109 bus past Macy's where I NEVER have to shop for BRAS EVER AGAIN. Please understand how much you matter, and you have earned a customer for life!! Most Gratefully,
—TS from Pennsylvania

“My experience with [Shapeshifters] has been incredible! They hand-make every binder and therefore have an unlimited size range. They require a few measurements and truly value bodies for being diverse and unique. " —BINDING FOR PLUS SIZE BABES, COMFYFAT, SEPTEMBER 2018
"Okay so first of all, wow. I think I must've said "Wow" a dozen times the first time I saw myself in the mirror. My partner and I were both just standing there agog while I turned and saw all the angles. My disabled body hasn't been able to tolerate traditional binders for years and years, but because this one is custom sized and has the zipper down the side, I'm having no issues whatsoever, I can get it on and off no problem and it's incredibly comfortable. This honestly does not even feel like I'm used to a binder feeling and yet I am properly flat, and I haven't seen my body look like this in years! And it's a beautiful object just in and of itself--I got a one-off fabric and it's SO cool. I'm totally blown away.... Thank you for making my experience of my body
immensely more comfortable. I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to comfortably bind again and this very emphatically proved that I can!"
—R.W., MAY 2021
"Thank you so much. I didn't realize the difference between this and my G2B binder would be so phenomenal. Never before have I had something fit my shoulders right out the box.Thank you a thousand times for this service. I'm thinking of ordering a sewing kit for my birthday in a month."
—F.S., OCT 2022
"I did receive it, thank you so so much it fits like a glove and sensory friendly which I was so nervous about but it's perfect (I'm autistic). Genuinely could not have asked for anything better."
—Q.W., JUNE 2022

"This singlet fits so much better that I'll actually be a better wrestler."
"I've gotten all my binders and they are all awesome. Thank you! Im gonna be the most stylish guy in Montana. Take care and stay safe and well!”
—E.F., JUNE 2020
“I got the binder today and it fits perfectly. I absolutely love it and can't wait to wear it with my battle jacket to pride next year. It binds well enough to lessen my dysphoria without restricting my breathing, which is really important to me. Thank you again.”
—K.W., APRIL 2020

"I just finished making my binder using Shapeshifter’s Binder Kit! This kit made having a custom binder affordable for me and is a quick project for anyone with a bit of experience sewing knit fabrics. I love that I was able to add a zipper and that I can reuse the pattern to make another binder later. The pattern size was accurate and the instructions were easy to follow."
—A.G., NOVEMBER 2023
"Finally! After trying literally nine other binders from various sources, I've found one that fits, isn't impossible to get into / out of, and provides decent compression while still allowing freedom of movement and easy
breathing.You are Da Bomb.I will be ordering a few more from you in the near future. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!"—S.M., JULY 2021
"Hi! I just wanted to say, first, that I'm so so (SO) happy with my purchase. I've had trouble in the past shopping for binders that fit well with my measurements. This one is perfect. I can't believe the amount of compression it has and how well it fits. Thank you. I almost cried when I tried it on. Even my roommates were impressed (and one of them put in an order with you as soon as you restocked!). I'm ordering a second one from you today and thought I should give you this feedback. Hope y'all are well!"

"My binder just arrived in the mail today and I was so excited just to put it on, and boy did it exceed my expectations. I ordered a custom binder all the way from Ireland because I wanted a high quality binder with a zipper because binders were just not accessible for me due to hypermobile shoulders. It is by far the most comfortable, best fitting binder I have ever worn, and it is so easy to put on and take off, I'll never have to worry about injuring my shoulders again :D Your binder has made binding possible for me again and allowed me to feel comfortable in my own skin, thank you so much for doing what you do." —A.O., MAY 2023
…I wanted to let you know that [my kid]’s binders arrived and they fit PERFECTLY and the material is exactly what they wanted. They are so pleased to have such a great selection to wear and look the way that they want. I can’t thank you enough for refitting the first 2. You guys rock! I’m so pleased that your customer service is just as amazing as the quality of your product!!!
“Hi. I just wanted to say a million thanks to you and your company for changing my daughters life. She loves your garments. She says they feel wonderful. She doesn’t feel she has to hide so people don’t see her chest area. She says the feel amazing. She’s been able to throw away all the disgusting ace bandages, sports bras, and fabric that she previously wore all at the same time and replace with your comfortable, clean, well made binder. Then she can wash that one and wear the second one she ordered.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You are making such a difference. We will be ordering again. Thank you thank you thank you.”—P.B., MAY 2020

"Perfect binder! I usually use GC2B's binders, but I always struggled with the material riding up, not covering everything, and very quickly binding less and less. So far, this one is incredible! The raised arm hole isn't uncomfortable, the panel is a cushion of comfort rather than feeling constricting, everything is covered instead of spilling out, and even the skin tone matches me better! I struggle with anxiety attacks, sometimes from or causing a feeling of suffocation. After a brief adjustment period, just getting used to the new feel, this binder was quickly so much more comfortable than my others!" —D.C., DEC 2022
"[My kid] got their/his binder and pins. Thank you so very much for the work you put in getting the packages here. They were able to wear the binder today, and you could see the confidence increase in their eyes. [They] got
their pins just a couple days before and have been sporting them all week at school. My baby has been struggling to get out of a dark depression for a couple months, and you have no idea how something so small made such a big difference. Hope you have a great rest of your week! You’re amazing!“—A.M., MAY 2021
"I did get it today, and I love it. It's my first binder from y'all, and I put in an order today for a custom one based on the way it fit! I really appreciate the service you're providing-- my body is such a small one for the amount of breast I have to bind, and standard binder manufacturers don't produce anything my size. Your company gives people the chance to feel comfortable in their bodies at an affordable price, and I love that. Thank you so much!!"
—A.K., MARCH 2021
All reviews, quotes, photos, and videos are published with customer permission. We will never quote your review without asking permission and how you would like to be identified. If you have feedback you'd like to share with us, we would love to hear from you!