Production Report: October 2019

Production Report: October 2019

Jason lives!!

It’s taken a lot of work and fine-tuning, but this beefy serger is now up and running. I’m pretty proud.

 Here he is, fresh measuring tape and all. Pictured with  Wizard’s Red . Here he is, fresh measuring tape and all. Pictured with Wizard’s Red .

In related news, our wait times are down to 4-5 weeks! It’s great. We’ve worked so hard for this, and we’re going to keep chipping it down.

Accordingly with that timespan: Halloween binders are on their way out! Y’all, uh, y’all really went for the teeth. I’m real happy so many of you are so Into these Teeth. I’m pretty into them too.

  Teeth teeth teeth teeth ! What if I ordered some canvas and made this a wall hanging?  What if I turned some of this into a  swimsuit?  Teeth teeth teeth teeth ! What if I ordered some canvas and made this a wall hanging? What if I turned some of this into a swimsuit?

Finally, BLOWWloween was amazing, and I’m so in awe of everyone involved. It’s a really special thing, to go out and find creative queer folks making vibrant, beautiful, briliant physical art together. We loved every minute. Go see their next show if you can.

 We were vending next to the Chyna shrine. It was pretty great. We were vending next to the Chyna shrine. It was pretty great.
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